For over three decades, Critical Path Software has been at the forefront of providing cost-saving performance optimization solutions.
OUR MISSION: Our mission at Critical Path Software is clear—to substantially reduce operational costs while simultaneously enhancing performance in a sustainable manner within the z/OS mainframe environment, thus delivering immediate impact for all our clients.
Utilizing our advanced tools, TurboTune and TurboTune SQL, we have analyzed billions of files worldwide, resulting in improvements for over fifty million files for our esteemed clients and partners.
Artificial Intelligence Meets
Old School Expertise
Critical Path Software utilizes artificial intelligence to maximize the impact of forty years of mainframe expertise. The addition of the latest technology allows faster delivery and implementation thereby providing faster ROI.
What Our Clients Are Saying
“I was in charge of Citibank’s dual Asia Pacific Data Centers in Singapore. This was the largest Data Center complex in Asia and serviced dozens of countries including Singapore and all of Southeast Asia. We had some software problems with CICS and the like. Critical Path Software and TurboTune came to our rescue sending its best people to Singapore, and that made a huge improvement to the speed and efficiency of both data centers. ”
John Harding – V.P. Computer Operations
“We saw improvement here that exceeded what we had been guaranteed. At the conclusion of the effort, I wrote a process that analyzed our SMF data to report on performance-related improvements that were realized. I put this into a spreadsheet and graphed it for a presentation at our technical architectural meeting. My boss was very satisfied with the improvements that we achieved…. (as was I).”
“I would recommend TurboTune to anyone attempting to improve performance and reduce costs.”
“I would recommend TurboTune to anyone attempting to improve performance and reduce costs.”
Senior Engineer – Global Insurance Company
“We installed and we saw GREAT results. The Fiche processing that normally begins the 3rd business day of the month, and has more than 45,000 jobs, usually runs 24 hours. It just ran in under 9 hours!! Thank you TurboTune for the file recommendations. This worked out nicely.”
Cut 62% of your run time allowing for more processing. What is that worth to a 24/7 data center?
Cut 62% of your run time allowing for more processing. What is that worth to a 24/7 data center?
Fortune 25 West Coast – Senior Tech