TurboTune Data Gathering Instructions

Below you will find the instructions for a simple collection of statistical data required to perform an initial analysis of your data center. 

Collect the necessary data (it's simple):

Streamlined Preliminary Data Collection with TurboTune

Initiating preliminary data collection with TurboTune is straightforward. Critical Path Software simplifies the process by providing comprehensive instructions and the necessary Job Control Language (JCL) to gather the LISTCAT(s) essential for analyzing and forecasting potential CPU reductions in your VSAM environment.

Our aim is to ensure a seamless experience for our clients, allowing for efficient data collection and accurate assessment of optimization opportunities. With TurboTune, you can expect a user-friendly approach to preliminary data gathering, setting the stage for informed decision-making and effective optimization strategies.

You can find examples of the instructions and JCL here:

Please note all JCL is individually coded with client identification. Please contact Critical Path Software to request an initial analysis.